Final Year Engineering Thesis – Inline Speed Skate Frame Re-design
November 19, 2023
Design, Engineering, Skating
It’s been over 20 years since I graduated from university with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I still have many of my text books and a bound copy of my final year thesis on my book shelves at home. I also managed to find an electronic copy of my final year thesis and some of the images and technical drawings from it so I thought it was worth sharing. It’s not perfect and there is a lot of would change if I had my time again (such as not cramming a significant chunk of what was meant to be 8 months of work into the last 1 or 2 months) but I did get a ‘Distinction’ grade for it (equivalent to a ‘B’).
Unfortunately the main thesis is not one complete document. The bound copy has a lot more appendices and the PDF is missing some images but there is enough in there for a good trip down memory lane.